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2018 Select Content
To see all content produced by Julia Guettler, visit the social media handles above.FUNDRAISING DIGITAL CAMPAIGNS:
Giving Tuesday

Impact Outcomes were posted and sent prior to Giving Tuesday

Ask levels posted and sent out on Giving Tuesday

Facebook & Instagram Story Youth Quotes

#ILGive Day, May 3, 2018

︎ ︎ We're less than 48 hours away! Share and help us spread the word. Support Lawrence Hall on Thursday, May 3 for #ILGive, a 24-hour online fundraising event that empowers individuals to create change in their communities by supporting local nonprofits throughout Illinois. #ILGiveCommunity #LiveHere#GiveHere

︎ ︎ Today's the day! Help us raise $1,000 in 24 hours! Support Lawrence Hall during #ILGive, a 24-hour online fundraising event that empowers individuals to create change in their communities. It's because of YOU that Lawrence Hall's mission of embracing at-risk youth and their families is possible. Your donation directly impacts our kids by supporting life changing programs and services that are essential to changing the future of Chicago.

︎ ︎ $25 provides a pass for a young person's critical first week of work: Hall's workforce development program, Project Work, serves more than 450 young people annually and empowers them with career-readiness training and the skills needed to secure and retain competitive employment.
#EmpowerYouth #ILGive #EmpowerCommunities — at South Shore, Chicago.

︎ ︎ With over 300 sessions annually, Music Therapy is a fundamental part of the expressive therapies provided for our youth. $50 gives a young person who has experienced trauma the chance to write and record their own music with our esteemed Music Therapist. Empower a young person with the gift of self-expression: 🎹🎤
#ExpressionisEmpowering #EmpowerYouth #ILGive— at Lawrence Hall.

︎ ︎ Exposure to new cultural activities is essential in empowering our future leaders. Your donation of $100 opens a young person up to these influential experiences and sponsors their activity cost, transportation and an experiential meal with their peers:

︎ ︎Today, May 10th, is Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day, an annual observance that raises awareness about the importance of children’s mental health and its impact on their healthy development. This year’s theme, “Partnering for Health and Hope Following Trauma”, speaks directly to our work at Lawrence Hall. Trauma-informed care is an integral part of our approach in caring for the mental health needs of the youth and families we serve who have experienced trauma. Join us today in bringing awareness by learning more about childhood trauma; visit the National Child Traumatic Stress Network resource page — at Lawrence Hall.
︎ Today is #ChildrensMentalHealthAwarenessDay an annual observance that raises awareness about the importance of children’s mental health and its impact on their healthy development.
︎ Join us today in bringing awareness by learning more about childhood trauma; visit the @nctsn resource page at: …/public-aw…/childrens-mental-health-awareness & watch for future community educational trauma training opportunities on our social media.

︎ ︎ Teachers are central in shaping the lives and futures of our resilient youth. We're thankful for our incredible teachers at Lawrence Hall's Therapeutic Day School and for those teachers across our Chicago communities who spark big dreams in the kids who need them the most. #TeacherAppreciationWeek
︎ Teachers are central in shaping the lives and futures of our resilient youth. We're thankful for our incredible teachers and for those across our Chicago communities who spark big dreams in the kids who need them the most. #TeacherAppreciationWeek #EducationisEmpowering

︎ ︎ Lawrence Hall is proud to celebrate, support and empower LGBTQ youth. We stand strong in our commitment of ensuring all LGBTQ youth in care are protected, supported and empowered. Join us in observing PRIDE this month as we celebrate the progress made and acknowledge the work we still have ahead of us in creating a world where everyone feels unafraid to live and love equally.#Pride2018

︎ Lawrence Hall is proud to celebrate, support and empower LGBTQ+ youth. We stand strong in our commitment of ensuring all LGBTQ+ youth in care are protected, supported and empowered. #Pride2018

︎ ︎ 1 year ago today we opened Try-Me's Cafe, our first ever full-service commercial cafe offering hands-on job training experience that prepares youth for competitive permanent employment. A BIG thanks to the entire incredible University of Chicago School of Social Service Administrationcommunity for supporting us through our challenges and successes this past year as we've learned and grown. We're excited to continue to empower young people with educational opportunities and valuable job-training experience!
#FridayFeeling #EmpowerYouth — at University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration.

︎ ︎ The YNPN Chicago Annual Celebration Awards are on May 3 and the Lawrence Hall Junior Board has been nominated for Associate Board of the Year! It is an incredible honor to be nominated, and we need your help to win. Voting is open to the general public, so please take a second to vote:
Already voted? Help us out by sharing this post on your page and urge your friends to vote for the Lawrence Hall Junior Board as Associate Board of the Year! — at Lawrence Hall.

︎ ︎ “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop
It’s Volunteer Appreciation Week and we want each and every Lawrence Hall volunteer to know that we appreciate YOU 365 days a year! Thank you for using your power of ONE to make the world a better place by positively impacting the lives of youth and families we serve. Your kindness is at the center of the Lawrence Hall story. ❤️
#VolunteerAppreciationWeek#LawrenceHallVolunteers — at Lawrence Hall.

︎ ︎ March is Social Work Month! Here’s to the tireless work of all social workers who change lives with their dedication. We’re lucky to have our dynamic team at Lawrence Hall who positively impact and empower the resilient youth we serve. Thank you for being real life superheroes for our children, families and communities.

︎ ︎ Happy #WomensHistoryMonth! We wouldn't be the organization we are today without Judge Mary Bartelme, a pioneer in the juvenile justice system and the first woman to be elected judge in a court of high jurisdiction in Illinois. Mary opened her home to girls in need at the turn of the century, later establishing Mary Clubs for girls who were not able to return to their parents, supported by volunteer services, as an alternative to state institutions. Mary became known throughout Illinois as a tireless advocate for children; her legacy lives on through the countless lives she helped better and through the work we continue to do more than a century later.
Learn more about Judge Mary Bartelme and our history at:
#WomenWhoChangedTheWorld #OurHistory

︎ ︎ ︎ We honor the monumental achievements of black culture and heritage, both past and present. From those who fought tirelessly for what is RIGHT. To those who pioneered what was once thought to be impossible, often without credit or recognition. We celebrate you. #BlackHistoryMonth

︎ ︎ ︎ Our #MondayMotivation this week features a training moment taken during the 7 week Canine Therapy course for our youth made possible by our fantastic partners at Canine Therapy Corps!
2017 Select Content
To see all content produced by Julia Guettler, visit the social media handles above.
︎ ︎ Our children deserve to live in a world where fear is not part of their everyday activities. They deserve to grow up and live their lives to the fullest potential without the trauma of losing friends or family members to gun violence. Lawrence Hall believes in a future where peace is possible for Chicago's communities. Our prevention driven programming provides at-risk youth job training, mentoring and educational opportunities that are key in ending the cycle of violence in our communities. We believe in a better future for our children, together we can make that future a reality.
To learn more about Lawrence Hall’s Project Work & Youth Leadership Programs visit:
︎ Our children deserve to grow up. They deserve to live without the trauma of losing loved ones to gun violence. #GunViolenceAwarenessDay
Our prevention driven programming provides at-risk youth job training, mentoring & educational opportunities - This prevention programming is key in ending the cycle of violence in our communities. #GunViolenceAwarenessDay
︎ ︎ "I am only ONE, but still I am ONE. I cannot do everything, but I can still do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."- Edward E. Hale
Never underestimate your power as ONE to create change. ONE at a time, we can change the futures of Chicago's youth and communities. Donate, mentor, or volunteer and utilize your power as ONE to create change today:
#NationalNonProfitDay #PowerofOne
︎ Never underestimate your power as ONE to create change, ONE at a time we can change the futures of our youth #nationalnonprofitday #powerof1

︎ ︎"You can always find hope in a dog's eyes." - Anonymous
Our kids LOVED reuniting with their friends from Canine Therapy last night at our Main Campus. Many thanks our partners at Canine Therapy Corpsand their wonderful volunteers for keeping their dogs in our kids' lives, their special bond means the world to them.
To learn more about Lawrence Hall's Canine Therapy Program Visit:

︎︎ Approximately 1 in 5 of those who have been exposed to a traumatic event will develop PTSD. Today on PTSD Awareness Day, we recognize the traumatic effects the exposure to Chicago's violence epidemic has on children, families and communities. It's imperative that we come together to cultivate communities of support, and implement effective trauma interventions. #PTSDAwarenessDay
︎ Approximately 1 in 5 of those who have been exposed to a traumatic event will develop PTSD. #PTSDAwarenessDay - The traumatic effects to the exposure of the violence epidemic in Chicago has consequences for our children. It's imperative that we come together to find remedies including therapeutic treatment services for our youth & families suffering from PTSD

︎︎ Lawrence Hall is proud to celebrate, support and empower LGBTQ youth. Join us in celebrating PRIDE this week as we look back on the progress we've made and our commitment to ensuring all LGBTQ youth in care are protected, supported and empowered. #Pride2017 #IllinoisPride
︎ Lawrence Hall is PROUD to celebrate, support and empower LGBTQ youth. #Pride2017 #IllinoisPride #TransIsBeautiful #LGBTQYouth

︎︎ At Lawrence Hall our vision of hope, healing and resiliency for children drives the work we do, every day. International Children's Day both celebrates our society's most vulnerable members and calls us to action to ensure they are protected and cared for, always. Join us in advocating for children. Act today in making a difference in the life of a child:
Together, we can make a better future for our children. — at Lawrence Hall.

︎ Youth Workers may look like ordinary people, but their dedication to changing the lives of at-risk youth make them extraordinary heroes. Thank You to Lawrence Hall's Youth Workers, and all Youth Workers. You represent consistency, compassion and hope to so many young people.
Want to join our team of extraordinary heroes? Visit:

Are you a teacher looking to make a real difference and positively impact the lives of young people? Become a champion, join the dynamic team at Lawrence Hall's Therapeutic Day School! Click the link below to learn more: